cellLocator - Base Station Location

This module provides base station location feature and gets the latitude and longitude coordinate information of QuecPython modules.

Currently, only EC600S/EC600N/EC800N/EC200U/EC600U/EG912U/EG915U/EC600E/EC800E series module supports this feature.

Get Location


cellLocator.getLocation(serverAddr, port, token, timeout [, profileIdx])

This method gets the module's latitude and longitude coordinate information.


  • serverAddr - String type. Server domain name with a length less than 255 bytes. Currently only “www.queclocator.com” is supported.
  • port - Integer type. Server port. Currently only port 80 is supported.
  • token - String type. A 16-character key, and application is required.
  • timeout - Integer type. Timeout. Range: 1–300. Unit: s. Default value: 300.
  • profileIdx - Integer type. PDP context ID. Range: 1–3. It is an optional parameter and the default is the one that has been successfully dialed. Setting other values may require a dedicated APN and password.

Return Value:

Returns the longitude and latitude coordinate information in tuple format: (longtitude, latitude, accuracy). (0.0, 0.0, 0) indicates invalid coordinate information.

longtitude: Longitude.

latitude: Latitude.

accuracy: Accuracy. Unit: meter.

The error codes are described as follows:

1 – Failed initialization

2 – The server address is too long (more than 255 bytes)

3 – Key length error (It must be 16 bytes)

4 – The timeout is out of range. The supported range is 1–300

5 – The specified PDP is not connected to the network

6 – Obtaining location error


>>> import cellLocator
>>> cellLocator.getLocation("www.queclocator.com", 80, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 8, 1)
(117.1138, 31.82279, 550)
# The key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" indicates token. Contact Quectel Technical Support to apply it.